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- L O A D S T A R 1 2 8 Q U A R T E R L Y
- Issue #13
- Table of Contents
- L O A D S T A R F I L E S
- DISKOVERY...........................................................Side 1
- Your editor, Fender Tucker, keeps it short and upbeat.
- LOADSTAR FORUM..................................................... Side 1
- A place where your letters are published, and sometimes answered.
- LOADSTAR 128 BRIEFS.................................................Side 1
- by Barbara Schulak, Paul McAleer and Fender Tucker
- This utility program allows you to print out subscription, back issue,
- and submission forms -- as well as critique this issue and append the
- data for this issue to LOADSTAR 128 LIBRARY.
- ZERO PAGE: PROFESSOR BINGO..........................................Side 1
- by Fender Tucker
- Your editor writes his first 80-column brain game -- and lives to be
- verbose about it!
- CREDITS.............................................................Side 1
- A list of the administrators, editors, programmers, authors and beta
- testers who brought you this disk.
- G R A F I X W A R E
- CLIP ARTIST..........................................................Side 1
- by Dick Heckert
- Use the power of the C-128D and the 1531 mouse to design or modify
- Print Shop graphics. You'll enjoy the modern point & click interface.
- NOTE: This program requires 64K of video RAM and a mouse.
- PAINT WORKS..........................................................Side 1
- by Rick Ferreira and Bill Foster
- Now you can change colors, flip, mirror, and make a color negative of any
- PAINT 128 (8x8) pict. or brus. file.
- H E L P W A R E
- THE PHILATELIST......................................................Side 2
- by Barbara Schulak
- Stamp collecting is one hobby that can use the aid of your powerful C-128.
- This easy-to-use database is in the Schulak/Cook style and will keep your
- collection organized.
- PHONE BOOK...........................................................Side 2
- by Dick Heckert
- Throw those heavy phone books away! With this handy phone number and
- address database, you can call up to 300 people without your fingers
- having to do all that walking.
- U T I L I T Y W A R E
- SHELL COPIER.........................................................Side 2
- by Robert Rockefeller
- This sophisticated file-copier, which works out of the 128 SHELL system
- from LOADSTAR 128 #10, will rename, scratch and copy files faster and
- easier than ever. Works in 40 or 80 columns.
- LOADSTAR LOADER......................................................Side 2
- by Earle P. Mitschke
- Put this program on your program collection disks and it will provide
- quick and easy booting of all of the programs on the disk -- even ML
- programs!
- F U N W A R E
- SHOOT THE BREEZE.....................................................Side 2
- by Paul McAleer
- Take two dice, some flags and a smart computer opponent and you have
- yourself a challenging game. Up to four people may play at one time.
- **** End of Text ****